11 - 2013 - RV Business Coach


Monthly Archives: November 2013

November 24, 2013

Should You Learn from Vanderbilt?

Last night, Vanderbilt came from behind to beat Tennessee 14-10. Taking possession on their own 8 yard line with less than 5 minutes remaining, Vandy engineered a 92 yard drive, scoring with just 16 seconds remaining.As I pondered this game, I realized how much the Vanderbilt football program has changed in the last few years. […]

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November 18, 2013

Productivity Tool

I’m always on the lookout for ways to improve my productivity. I especially enjoy finding ways to apply technology to  automate mundane or repetitive tasks; simplify tasks; or otherwise make my life easier and/or more productive.Sometimes these new things really help me out. Sometimes they offer great promise, but aren’t quite ready for “prime time.” […]

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November 6, 2013

My First Tweet

As I outlined in my first two posts, I’ve realized “It’s time!” to start a new phase of my business.So I signed up for a Twitter account, linked it to my web site, posted it in my Facebook groups… and sat around trying to think of something profound to say in my first Tweet.I mean, […]

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