Challenges 2 - RV Business Coach

Category Archives for "Challenges"

August 7, 2019

Why You Won’t Start A Business: The Working Slave Myth

This is part 4 of 6 in a 6 post series addressing the 5 horrible excuses people make to not start a business.  Previously, we addressed the fear of failure and lack of job security people use as excuses in not starting their own businesses. This week, we’ll examine the myth of the working slave […]

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July 31, 2019

Why You Won’t Start A Business: Lack of Job Security

This is part 3 of 6 in a 6 post series addressing the 5 horrible excuses people make to not start a business.  Last week, we addressed the fear of failure people face in starting their own businesses. This week, we’ll examine the excuse of job security as a reason to avoid starting a business. […]

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July 24, 2019

Why You Won’t Start A Business: Fear of Failure

Quote graphic:

This is part 2 of 6 in a 6 post series addressing the 5 horrible excuses people make to not start a business.  In a society brought up on the mantra “failure is not an option,” it’s no wonder the risk of failure is a daunting consideration for starting a business.  Failure: the word itself […]

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March 13, 2019

Having trouble getting (the right) things done?

If you watched the last couple of videos, you know that one reason businesses fail is because the entrepreneur or business owner didn’t do the (right) work. (If you missed them, you can find them here:Why do so many small businesses fail?Another 1 1/2 reasons small businesses fail)In today’s video, you’ll learn about several reasons why […]

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February 13, 2019

Another 1 ½ Reasons Small Businesses Fail

Last week I talked about 4 reasons why small businesses fail. That lead to some great offline discussions, and as a result, I’m adding another 1 1/2 reasons this week. (What’s a 1/2 a reason? Watch the video to find out!)Have you experienced either of these problems? Do you have advice to help others avoid […]

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March 7, 2016

Challenges to Full-time RVing

Full-time RVing is a reality for many, and a dream for many more. But I guess we should admit that maybe it’s not always a bed of roses. Thinking it through before you start, though, can certainly help with the transition.

Here is a “Baker’s Dozen” list of questions to help you think through and prepare for the transition…

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