1 - 2014 - RV Business Coach


Monthly Archives: January 2014

January 13, 2014

13 Days In…

I’ve always felt that 13 is a lucky number. I’m not sure why… I think I just decided to take something that everyone else thinks is unlucky and make it lucky for me.Today is the 13th day of the New Year. So… how are those resolutions coming?The truth is, I’ve stopped making resolutions. That’s because […]

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January 12, 2014

Backup and Restore of Samsung Phone Using MyBackupPro

My son cracked the screen on his Samsung Galaxy Note 2. Thanks to insurance, he was able to get a new one. Of course, he wanted to move all of his apps, app data, etc. to the new phone before we returned the old one.A little bit of research pointed to MyBackupPro as one of the preferred […]

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January 9, 2014

Gmail Search

I recently wanted to find an email from several years ago. I remembered it was forwarded by my wife, and I distinctly remembered that we were at the Odyssey of the Mind 2012 World finals when she sent it to me.A quick Google search told me the dates of the World Finals that year. It […]

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