Getting Unstuck - RV Business Coach
May 15, 2014

Getting Unstuck

Thanks to Kim at Shakti in the Mountains for the “shout out” in her recent blog post, Getting Unstuck.

If you know me, you probably know I’m a big fan of Getting Things Done by David Allen. I’m not only a fan, I’m currently offering a couple of packages that  combine “best of” practices from Getting Things Done using simple tools like Evernote. These programs can, as Kim put it, help you “transition from little scraps of paper and multiple notebooks to one centralized system for organizing [your] professional and personal goals and responsibilities.”

Kim is enjoying her new system. So much so, that she’s asked me to put together a seminar in Johnson City, TN to help her colleagues and clients. Stay tuned for details!

Are you interested in becoming more organized and more productive like Kim? If so, set up a free, no obligation consultation to learn how!

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