Getting Things Done - RV Business Coach

Category Archives for "Getting Things Done"

December 5, 2020

How “Getting Things Done” by David Allen has helped me, well… Get Things Done!

In this video, I discuss the book Getting Things Done: Why it works for me, why it sometimes doesn’t work, and how to make it work. If you’re having trouble focusing and getting your tasks done, I highly recommend reading this book. Spoiler alert: Pay special attention to the sections on the Weekly Review. This video was […]

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March 13, 2019

Having trouble getting (the right) things done?

If you watched the last couple of videos, you know that one reason businesses fail is because the entrepreneur or business owner didn’t do the (right) work. (If you missed them, you can find them here:Why do so many small businesses fail?Another 1 1/2 reasons small businesses fail)In today’s video, you’ll learn about several reasons why […]

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August 15, 2014

How To Think More Clearly

Last week, I posted about attending the Uplevel Your Business Live! event in Atlanta, Georgia, and how I left the event with a Clear Mind and a Phone Chock Full of Ideas. I took notes throughout the conference and put them directly into Evernote, so I left the conference confident that I had captured everything. […]

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