11 - 2018 - RV Business Coach


Monthly Archives: November 2018

November 29, 2018

A Quick Note on the Lifescore Assessment

I wanted to make a quick video to be sure you understand what happens with the LifeScore Assessment I mentioned in yesterday’s blog. If you ARE interested in learning more about setting and achieving goals, you can take the assessment here: https://bit.ly/2KEHESdIf you’re NOT interested, and if you got here via my email newsletter, there’s a link […]

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November 28, 2018

A Free Tool that Could Change Your Life

[2022 Update: Removed link to the free tool mentioned in this video, which is no longer available. Also updated text to be more relevant to present time.] Is this going to be the year that you stop dreaming about the RV Lifestyle and start living it?If you want to make this a year of transformation, unlike […]

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November 17, 2018

Let’s try something…

I’m going to try something new.: “regular” video updates. Until I get the swing of things, I’m not ready to commit to a specific schedule, so I’ll just post when I have something to say. 🙂 Here we go with video #1! If you’re like me, you’ll have trouble remembering to check back to see if […]

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